As part of the Posse Scholarship, each Posse receive a mentor. This mentor is a member of the college faculty or administration who provides support for their Posse. 

Posse Scholars participate in weekly meetings with their Posse over the duration of their freshman and sophomore years. These meetings are led by their mentor. Mentors also meet with individual Posse Scholars bi-weekly to check up with students as they adjust to the college experience. Even though the mandatory weekly meetings end after a Scholar’s sophomore year, it is not uncommon for Posses to continue meeting informally with their mentor.

Advising & Co-Curricular Programs Staff

Dr. Tim Cox – Posse Liaison
Dean of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs

Mentors for D.C Posses

Ryan Van Horn (Posse 18)
Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Trent Gaugler (Posse 17)
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Laurie Caslake (Posse 16)
Professor of Biology

Lawrence Malinconico (Posse 15)
Associate Professor and Director of Technology Clinic, Geology, and Geophysics


Mentors for New York City Posses

Carlos Tavares (Posse 22)
Assistant Professor of Sociology

Rachel Goshgarian (Posse 21)
Associate Professor and Assistant Head, History

Nestor Gil (Posse 20)
Associate Professor of Art

Cliff Reiter (Posse 19)
Professor of Mathematics

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